Thursday, February 12, 2009

Why? Why? Why? Why?

Lucky for me Carson has discovered the all important question of why. For everything I say he has to ask why. I feel like an encyclopedia 24/7. Its a little draining to say the least. I am sure most parents have experienced this to some extent. These are some of his recent inquiries.....
-Why I can't put 2 legs in this one hole?(pants)
-Why Kenzie can't eat Cheetos?
-Why I don't plug in the vacuum?
-Why this is not 5? (holding up 3 fingers)
-Why I can't eat all of the cookies?
-Why don't we shoot Jesus?(the picture on the wall)
-Why we don't eat crayons?
-Why we are not going to Granny Pat's?
-Why its too late for pop?
-Why the wind is blowing so bad?

That was yesterday, who knows what today will bring. Its a good thing that moms know everything eh? I have to admit that even though some of my answers are a little bogus... I do have an answer for almost all of the why's he can throw at me. Thats putting a college degree to good use don't ya think? (haha)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More stories !

I really believe (as all moms do), that I have the best, cutest, smartest kids ever.
On the weekends Carson gets to go with Cade on the ranch to do all kinds of cowboy stuff. They were feeding the cows in the dew-eze (its a pick up with a round bale feeder thing on the back, aka Carsons favorite vehicle) and Carson could see the moon. It was daytime. So he is telling Cade to look at the moon and says," I guess the stars just forgot it!" Dang smart kid!
Kenzie is getting soo big! She dances alot and likes to move. She still isn't crawling, but she gets around pretty good. Much to her dismay she can't keep up with Carson tho. She really is big, I had to take her to the Dr for an ear infection last week and she was 22lbs4oz. She also has 7, yes 7, teeth and is currently getting 2 of her bottom molars. She is staring to want to stand up and when she does she is really big!
So that is the latest with my kids! I don't do much else so I don't have anything else to say! TTFN =)