Thursday, February 12, 2009

Why? Why? Why? Why?

Lucky for me Carson has discovered the all important question of why. For everything I say he has to ask why. I feel like an encyclopedia 24/7. Its a little draining to say the least. I am sure most parents have experienced this to some extent. These are some of his recent inquiries.....
-Why I can't put 2 legs in this one hole?(pants)
-Why Kenzie can't eat Cheetos?
-Why I don't plug in the vacuum?
-Why this is not 5? (holding up 3 fingers)
-Why I can't eat all of the cookies?
-Why don't we shoot Jesus?(the picture on the wall)
-Why we don't eat crayons?
-Why we are not going to Granny Pat's?
-Why its too late for pop?
-Why the wind is blowing so bad?

That was yesterday, who knows what today will bring. Its a good thing that moms know everything eh? I have to admit that even though some of my answers are a little bogus... I do have an answer for almost all of the why's he can throw at me. Thats putting a college degree to good use don't ya think? (haha)


  1. SO cute!!!!!!!!!!!
    I love it good job.

  2. Sooo funny, kids got brains!! You gotta watch those bogus answers tho... they can come back to haunt you! trust me I know... =)

  3. oh and I want that pic of Kenzies pig-tails on here!!!!

  4. Ashlee We are doing good, I love ID and I hope to see you when we come down...I don't know what or when but well see you someday.. Love you!
